…and do visit us anytime in Sovata.

We like it here at the foot of Gurghiu Mountains, since it’s a picturesque area in which we can enjoy all the natural resources needed for our products.
The characteristics of these outdoors offer us the possibility of preparing herb and fruit teas obtained out of the best natural ingredients.
We offer you a large list of options regarding medicinal teas or flavored ones.
Also, we export a large variety of herbs, from our Transilvanian harvest. You can pick from our cosmetics ointments obtained from natural ingredients.
Quality of our products is our main concern, therefore we use strict procedures and control to deliver it.
Our wish is to offer a large variety of products based on herbs, to share with the consumers our passion for flavour and quality.
We invite you to choose between the multitude of simple or mixed herbal teas and aromatic teas.
Preservation of the natural ingredients is our main principle when we conceive our range of cosmetics.
We’re also waiting for any feedback you might have for us, in our contact section.